© 2018 Bátor Tábor Foundation
We spend your donation to give back the childhood of seriously and chronically ill children with the help of our method, the therapeutic recreation.
The Kinizsi Százas Hiking challenge is organized by the Kinizsi Naturalist Association every year. The hiking starts in Budapest, ends in Tata (100 km) and has to be finished with 24 hours. After several weeks I finally received the allowance to join. I would like it to be useful for other people as well, so I would like to support the Bátor Tábor Foundation with my campaign at this event. My target is to collect 150 000 HUF. Please help me to reach the target amount: please adopt a couple of kilometers from my hike. Thank you in advance. 😊
Hajrá Piri! Én annó a félmaratont futottam Bátor Tábort támogatva. Óriási élmény volt. Kívánok neked nagyon jó felkészülést és sok sikert a túrához. Puszillak: Évi
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