
Two guys who are mad for sports and brought together by the world of the media. Our friendship was deepened by two previous running competitions so far, and on April 5th we're joining forces again. We're running the half-marathon as a duo and beside breaking our last year's record, we're aiming to collect 300.000 HUF of donation to help Bátor Tábor. Help us with our achievement, adopt our kilometres!

Money raised 32 500 Ft
Campaigns 2 db

Campaigns (2)


Varga Máté

35th Telekom Vivicitta Spring Half Marathon


32 500 Ft Goal 300 000 Ft 10 %


Szakács Előd

35th Telekom Vivicitta Spring Half Marathon


32 500 Ft Goal 300 000 Ft 10 %


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