Tesók a Bátrakért

Hi, We would like to start this year with a beneficial purpose as a member of the Bátor Tábor Foundation's running team to help children with severe illness in this way. This camp is not a classical camp - this is the Bátor Camp (Brave Camp), which "changes lives"! With special experiences they help these children to leave their comfort zone to overcome their fears that they are able to confront not only their adventures, but also their illness. Every child gets a great deal of power and smile on their face when they leave the Bátor Camp. Our fundraising goal is 200,000 HUF in total. Please help us to achieve it: adopt one kilometer from our running! It is customary to say, "Many a little makes a mickle ...". What a little help for us is a huge happiness for this kids - let's make their lives better Together. Thank you very much! Brigi and Laci

Money raised 54 380 Ft
Campaigns 2 db

Campaigns (2)


Bogdányi Ladislav

34th Telekom Vivicittá Spring Half Marathon


54 380 Ft Goal 200 000 Ft 27 %


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