We spend your donation to give back the childhood of seriously and chronically ill children with the help of our method, the therapeutic recreation.
I love running and I love children - I have a 3 years old daughter, too whom after I can run all the time. I deeply feel for families who had to face with the fact that their little beloved one has a serious illness. I really like this initiative of Bátor Tábor - while doing my favourite hobby running I can collect donations for a noble purpose. I will run for these people and I really trust to You that with Your help we can put a smile on few childrens' faces. Bátor Tábor was established in 2001, and offers complex therapeutic recreation programs for children with cancer, diabetes, JRA or haemophilia and for their families. In the summer Children’s Camps, in the spring and fall Sibling Camps and Family Camps are offered free of charge to the campers and their families. Every year, there are over 1000 campers in the sessions who can participate in programs that they otherwise might miss out on due to their illnesses. Be it rowing, horseback-riding, archery, arts & crafts, dancing, music, sports, acting or high-ropes courses, all programs are meant to provide a feeling of success, which positively influences their self-esteem and recovery process. In the past 13 years, due to the cooperation of the hospitals, over 6000 campers came to camp. Please stand by me and support these children. Every little counts - if you can donate only the price of one pint beer that would be amazing!
Hajrá Niki, csak így tovább… 🙂
Büszke vagyok Rád !!!Hajrá!!!!!
Csak ügyesen 😉
Olellek! Sidi
Hajrá Niki!
Hajrá Niki!!! Szuper vagy, köszönöm, hogy ismerhetlek! <3
Hajrá Niki!
Az első kilométert máris örökbefogadtam
A második kilométer már az enyém!
Szuper vagy, hajrá!
Erő és Becsület, Hajráááá!
Hajrá és nagyon szorítok!
Szuper vagy Niki! 🙂
Nagyszerű terv, sok sikert kívánok:) Kriszti
Büszke vagyok Rád, hajrá!
Ez egy tök jó kezdeményezés! Hajrá Niki!
Tisztelet és imádás neked Kisprücsök! HAJRÁ
Good luck for a good cause!
Hajrá Niki! Büszkék vagyunk Rád!
Aztán 42 legyen az a 30 😉
Hajrá Niki!
Hajrá Nikolett, hajrá Runberries!
A bogyóerő legyen veled! Egy bogyótol.
Hajrá, kollegina! 🙂
See how many people supported the campaign!
Hajrá Niki, csak így tovább… 🙂
Büszke vagyok Rád !!!Hajrá!!!!!
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