We spend your donation to give back the childhood of seriously and chronically ill children with the help of our method, the therapeutic recreation.
I'm a volunteer. I'm a cimbora. I'm a lazy runner. I am a brave girl. How are these things connected? I'm a volunteer. I give my time to communities with whom I share the same values with. I believe in them. I give my time to them so I can help them reaching their goals. Meanwhile they recharge me. I'm a cimbora. As a Bátor Tábor volunteer I belong to a privileged group of people. Together we change the lives of seriously ill kiddos with the help of therapeutic recreation. I have the chance to provide safety and challanges to kids so they can gain strenght for fighting the day-to-day fights with their illness. I give them a lot, yet I learn even more from them. I'm a lazy runner. Fact. Why sugarcoat it? I fully understand how healthy it is and all that jazz. Yet it is really hard to put those running shoes on and go ... I'm a brave girl. I am choosing to put on those shoes day after day, get in all the needed kilometers and in March, wearing my purple Élménykülönítmény t-shirt face the great challalnge of a half marathon. I am doing it for all the kids, who I take those steps more proudly for, because they showed me that there is a way back to life. I am doing in for the families who face the serious illness together, as a team. They are the greatest Braves. This is your chance to be brave now! Give as much as you can, every little amount count! With my very first charity run, I would like to collect 250 000 HUF. The more I make the more kids will be able to go to camp next summer to expereince all the greatness of therapeutic recreation and gain strenght to fight their illness! So you give, the kids heal and I'll do the running part! How about that?
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Hajrá, Bátor Cimbi! 🙂
Hajrá Nóri! 🙂
Hajrá Nóri, hajrá bátrak! 🙂
Nóri <3 Reg taliztunk, osszehozhatnank egyszer vmit 🙂
Értékellek minden pillanatban.
Hajrá Marsi Anikó! 🙂
Hajrá!! 🙂
Imádlak és csodálatos dolgot teszel, ha kicsit is, de mindenképpen segítünk!
Hajrá, Nóri! 🙂
Hajrá Nóri! Imádunk ❤❤❤
Több ilyen csodaember kellene, mint te!
A végtelenbe és tovább! 😉
See how many people supported the campaign!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
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