We spend your donation to give back the childhood of seriously and chronically ill children with the help of our method, the therapeutic recreation.
I am Márton Varga, 22 years old university student. I have to do an internship to get my degree and I am in the lucky position to be able to do it at Bátor Tábor. A few days were enough to give me a deep understanding of why the work people do here is so important. They follow seriously and permanently ill children through their lives from diagnosis, through the healing process, to the moment of full recovery and reintegration. Sadly, many children in Hungary suffer from these and similar illnesses and spend a large part of their childhood attending treatment, following the strict steps and instructions they receive from their doctors on the road to recovery. In essence, they are unable to experience the joys and carefree freedom of a carefree childhood. It is also worth considering that this makes life difficult not only for themselves, but also for their siblings, parents, relatives, and in fact the whole family. Serious Fun Camp has set itself a mission to give these children back their childhood, with activities in schools, hospitals and of course summer and autumn camps, where children overcome the difficulties caused by the disease through experiential therapy and are liberated in a safe and friendly environment. In light of this, my mission is to complete the set of 200 km distance in the 15th Balaton Super Marathon, alone, and to raise awareness of the importance of the activity of the Serious Fun Camp. Through this campaign, you can support Seroius Fun Camp . I hope to inspire as many people as I am inspired by the stories of these children and families. For me the pain I experience here is a privilege, for them the pain they experience is a challenge. Let's help them overcome the difficulties. Together.
Hajrá Marci!
Hajrá Marci!
Hajrá Marci!
Hajrá Marci!
Hajrá Marci!
Kívánom, hogy lelkesedésed és hozzáállásod sokáig Veled maradjon. 🕉️
Hajrá, drukkolok, csodás nemes cél:)
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Hajrá Varga Marci ! Gratulálok !
Kedves Dániel! Szép dolog a rászorulóknak segíteni , köszönöm hogy segítesz és így boldogabba teszed életüket
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Hajrá Marci!
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