Charity running of team Dolce Vita


Charity running of team Dolce Vita


We spend your donation to give back the childhood of seriously and chronically ill children with the help of our method, the therapeutic recreation.

Your challenge 3 fős félmaraton váltó
Time until event Closed
Team Dolce Vita
141 165 Ft Goal 200 000 Ft 70%
They have already supported
141 165 Ft Goal 200 000 Ft 70%
They have already supported

You have to think positively about your life, even if it is harder than for other people. You should smile; the joy and friends take us further. The Bátor Tábor (Courage Camp) is an amazing place, where a many kids with chronic diseases can gain unforgettable experiences and make lifelong friendships during a whole week. I am living with Diabetes for 15 years by now. I have many experiences from Diabetic Camps and I know that the sport, the common events and the positive-minded thinking are very important parts of our life. That’s why me, and my two diabetic friends would like to show on the K&H half marathon that running a few kilometers is not a big deal. If you would like to take part in this action with us, please sponsor our kilometers. Even ten or twenty Euros could help a lot for the ill children, and they could enjoy the Courage Camp! Together for the Kids!


Nyikita Lilla

12 éve

2 500 HUF


Sok sikert! 😉

Latest supporters

See how many people supported the campaign!


Nyikita Lilla

12 éve

2 500 HUF


Sok sikert! 😉


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