21. K&H move! marathon and half marathon relay

2014. June 15.


15th of June, 2014, 21st K&H mozdulj! marathon and half marathon relay - and the 3rd time Élménykülönítmény runners are participating. Run for the Bátor Tábor! Run individually half marathon or in team you can run half marathon or marathon for charity purpose on the biggest relay run event of Central-Eastern Europe. Run and enjoy the beautiful sights of Budapest while you are helping seriously ill children!

3 125 447 Ft Goal 12 100 000 Ft 25%

Participants (51)


Charity running of BT4BT

21. K&H move! marathon and half marathon relay


66 162 Ft Goal 200 000 Ft 33 %


Charity running of BT4BT

21. K&H move! marathon and half marathon relay


66 162 Ft Goal 200 000 Ft 33 %


Charity running of BT4BT

21. K&H move! marathon and half marathon relay


66 162 Ft Goal 200 000 Ft 33 %


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