Charity running of BT4BT


Charity running of BT4BT


We spend your donation to give back the childhood of seriously and chronically ill children with the help of our method, the therapeutic recreation.

Your challenge Maraton váltó
Time until event Closed
Team BT4BT
66 162 Ft Goal 200 000 Ft 33%
They have already supported
66 162 Ft Goal 200 000 Ft 33%
They have already supported

Dear all, ”Bátor Tábor is a kind of machine where the child is throw into being sad and ill and finally come out happier, healthier and with a lot of good experience” - Peti, 15 years, cancerous camper. Probably we can’t summarise better what exactly Bátor Tábor (“Camp of Courage”) is about. They provide a lot of good experience through their camps to more than 700 children suffering from cancer, diabetes, haemophilia and arthritis that might help them to forget a little the long and painful hospital treatments. This year we also want to join in this awesome initiative and help to put a smile in the suffering children’s face. On the 15th of June in the K&H Marathon Team Relay we will dedicate every kilometre to them. We’d like to ask you to contribute also to this great initiative by adopting kilometres in our team’s page. Thank you very much in advance for every contribution! Myself and the BT4BT (BT 4 Bátor Tábor) team:


Gug Andrei

11 éve

1 535 HUF


go Eva

Latest supporters

See how many people supported the campaign!


Gug Andrei

11 éve

1 535 HUF


go Eva


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