We spend your donation to give back the childhood of seriously and chronically ill children with the help of our method, the therapeutic recreation.
I BELIEVE THAT OUR AIM IS TO EXPERIENCE HAPINESS IN THIS WORLD, AND HELP OTHER TO FEEL THE SAME! I think giving an experience for someone is the greatest gift we can imagine! Our "thinks" are only subjects, they break, we lost them, but the fun we experience takes forever! How we use the short time what we spend on this planet? It is our choice! We decide on our freetime acticities: sleep, watch TV, collecting stamps, make sports or help others. I would do the last two. For this I ask some help! ON THE 14Th OF JUNE I WILL RUN THE HALF-MARATHON FOR THE CAMP OF COURAGE MY AIM TO COLLECT 150 000HUF FOR THE CHILDREN WITH SERIOUS SICKNESSES. YOU CAN HELP ME WITH A SMALL AMOUNT OF DONATION (1-2-3000 HUF) OR ANY WAY COU CAN! :) Why I do this? Cos I believe the power of hapiness in life and more in recovery! What is CAMP OF COURAGE? The Bátor Tábor (Camp of Courage) is a small world of miracles were every year 700 children with cancer, diabetes, haemophilia, and JRA receive curative and reinforcing experiences. Our camp is the member of SeriousFun Children’s Network, founded by Paul Newman. This association brings together the largest camps dealing with children with diseases all over the world.
Csak ügyesen. Nehogy kidőlj az uccsó pár méteren. 😉
Hajrá-hajrá hajrá!:)
Hajrá Satu! Adri&Domka
Nagyonhajrá Norbi!
Nemes célért futsz! Ez adjon erőt a futás során. 😉
Köszönöm, szuper vagy! 🙂
Ez lesz a legjobb futásod! 🙂
Hajrá Satu!!!!
Csak így tovább Buddy!
– Mi történik, ha két szőke nő fut egymással szemben? – Összetörik a tükör. Hajrá Satu! 😀 Üdv: Karaly
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