We spend your donation to give back the childhood of seriously and chronically ill children with the help of our method, the therapeutic recreation.
Five years ago, I started volunteering for Camp of Courage Foundation, With their help every year 700 seriously ill children are given the opportunity to take part in cheerful programmes rich in sense of accomplishment, helping them improve their self image and self confidence – adventures that charge up their batteries, improve their self-esteem and strengthen their faith in recovery. During the time I spent in summer camps I got a lot from the "fun theraphy". Due to the lot of positive changes I have decided that, after the 50-100 km long distance walks, now let's face a new challenge: marathon! By joining the Élménykülönítmény (the Troop of Philantrophists) and by my charity run I would like to inspire my friends, relatives and other people around me to take part in a common good turn. These are the feelings that make me to the line on 7 October 2012 at the 27th Spar Budapest Marathon. Please stand by me, sponsor one mile of my run by donating one or two thousand Hungarian Forint. Together we can reach further.
Toi toi toi 😉 Csenge és Arthur
Sikeres futást kívánunk! Szüleid
Fuss, Forrest.
Mindent bele Tomi!
Mindent bele!
Le a kalappal előttetek! Minden lépésetek mosolyt csal valakinek az arcára 🙂
Hajrá Tomi!
Szurkolunk, hogy sikerüljön! Juci és Ati
Fuss Tomi, fuss!!! :)))
Sok sikert!!!!
Sikerülni fog!
Sok kicsi sokra megy
Hajrá Tomi!!
See how many people supported the campaign!
Toi toi toi 😉 Csenge és Arthur
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