We spend your donation to give back the childhood of seriously and chronically ill children with the help of our method, the therapeutic recreation.
Hi there! Thank you for visiting! The fact that you are now here means that you are not indifferent to the fate of other people. This is something common in us. I've been doing volunteer "work" at Bátor Tábor (literally "Camp of Courage"), where children with cancer and chronic conditions (such as diabetes or JIA) can widen their limits in the safe environment provided by this camp. Here they can be, if only for a week, just children, instead of being "seriously ill children", who can play and enjoy time as anybody else. They can go home with knowing they can achieve as much as their "healthy" peers. This atmosphere motivated me to move out from my comfort zone and run a full marathon this year. To be honest I despised running for a long time. This changed last year when as part of a relay team we ran a marathon together. This was perhaps the first time when I ran more than 10 kilometres. But why stop there? I would like to ask you to sponsor one or more from my 42 kilometres, so that even more girls and boys can experience the healing sensation meant by this camp. Thank you!
Amit igértem.
Futás Cimbora!
Hajrá Ákos! Orsi és Attila
Hajrá! 🙂
Amit ígértem!
Köszönöm, hogy helyettem is futsz.
Óriási dolgot vállaltál!!!
Szép volt! Gratulálok!
Hajrá Ákos! 🙂
Remélem, a diófa alatt is futsz legközelebb! Hajrá!!!
Ha tudnád, mennyi sütit kellett ehhez eladjak! 😛
az evezőlapátért… 😉
Na.. kezdjük el valahol 🙂
Így kell tenni, Ákos!
See how many people supported the campaign!
Amit igértem.
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