We spend your donation to give back the childhood of seriously and chronically ill children with the help of our method, the therapeutic recreation.
Dear Funder! I’m glad to meet you here. You might not have heard about a miracle place yet, called Bátor Tábor (Brave Camp) in Hungary (http://www.batortabor.hu/?id=fooldal&lang=eng). As a volunteer I got the chance to experience magic in a summer camp this year in the company of chronically ill children and adolescents, and I have to tell you that it was one of the best things that have ever happened to me. Now I’m sure about the fact that MAGIC land does exist. This experience has inspired me to take an active role in supporting not just the young people who are so very much in need of Bator Tabor, but also the camp itself so that it can be the home of joy and laughter for many years to come. Three years ago when I started to go out jogging I had no idea that one day in the future I would run for chronically ill children. This is what I am preparing for now – my biggest challenge so far. With my joining Élménykülönítmény (http://elmenykulonitmeny.hu/en) I contribute so that the camp in Hatvan continues to be the place of even more experiences, amazement, fun, joy and self-realizations. One of the most memorable experiences I witnessed during the summer camp was at the high rope course. What did I learn there? That EVERYTHING is possible. One is able to reach everything with persistence and hard work, even if it’s over his or her limits. Then and there I was surrounded with teenage heroes. That was an unforgettable feeling and it was great to be there with them and be able to share their experiences. This is my inspiration. I’m happy that as a member of Élménykülönítmény I can do even more for children. This way I can give back at least a bit of those beautiful experiences and some of the emotional strength I got from them. With my 30-kilometre run on the 12th of October 2014, I take up a collection for the maintenance of the high rope course. By donating even a modest amount, your help will maintain the climbing wall, the giant swing and the 6 and 9 meter high rope obstacle courses so that they may provide many more adventures for chronically ill children and continue to be the places of magic for many years to come. Believe me, they are!
Before I die I want to that your dreams come true
Annyira inspiráló vagy!Isten megáldjon! 🙂
Run,Jenny,run! 🙂
Hajrá Mari!!!!! 🙂
Nagyon büszke vagyok Rád! HAJRÁ! 🙂
Hajrá, Mariann! Büszkék vagyunk rád!
Bár képes lennék 1 km-t is futni! Büszke vagyok rá, hogy segíthetek! Köszönöm!!!!!
Sikeres részvételt!
Hajrá Mariann! 🙂
Szorítunk a sikerednek Kollár Ági és Iván
Fuss Mariann! Nagy vagy!! 🙂
Szeretlek Mary!!!tarts ki, veled vagyok!
Na verjük be ezt a szöget! 🙂
Nemes a cél! Hajrá Mariann!!
Tiszteletre méltó cél, sok sikert !
“Akármilyen színű, formájú vagy mintájú ernyő rejti is el, a fény a lámpa belsejében mindig ugyanolyan marad. Te vagy a láng!” /Cassandra Clare/
Csak így tovább JETIK 🙂
HAJRÁ Mariann! Biztosan sikerülni fog!!!
Induláááááááááááááááás!!!! 🙂
See how many people supported the campaign!
Before I die I want to that your dreams come true
Annyira inspiráló vagy!Isten megáldjon! 🙂
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