© 2018 Bátor Tábor Foundation
We spend your donation to give back the childhood of seriously and chronically ill children with the help of our method, the therapeutic recreation.
It is my great pleasure to be part of this special challenge. The team of colleagues, family members and clients of MetLife decided to run together to support Bátor Tábor Foundation. Bátor Tábor was established in 2001, and offers complex therapeutic recreation programs for children with cancer, diabetes, JRA or haemophilia and for their families. In the summer Children’s Camps, in the spring and fall Family Camps and Sibling Camps are offered free of charge to the campers and their families. Every year, there are over 1000 campers in our sessions who can participate in programs that they otherwise might miss out on due to their illnesses. All programs are meant to provide a feeling of success, which positively influences their self-esteem and recovery process. Bátor Tábor is a member of the Serious Fun Children's Network that began more than 25 years ago by the Academy Award winning actor, Paul Newman. Bátor Tábor is accredited by the Ammerican Camp Association, a leading center of excellence for camp professionals that ensures that quality standards are met in camp. Please join to us and support Bátor Tábor! Thank you! János
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Run Snoopy! Run!
Good Luck in the race!
Congratulations. Great cause. Good luck
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