We spend your donation to give back the childhood of seriously and chronically ill children with the help of our method, the therapeutic recreation.
"A runner must run with dreams in his heart." Last year I joined the fantastic charity sports team of Bátor Tábor because I had the dream to help and support the place where they offer complex therapeutic recreation programs for children with cancer, diabetes, JRA or haemophilia and will raise funds for them with your kind help, my friends. This dream is on going, there are three awesome runners now I can form a team of (Team PREZI) to finish the marathon in a relay and call the attention to the mission of Bátor Tábor. We offer every mile of the marathon distance for adoption. We will work hard to keep a smile on the face during the 26.2 miles and you can keep children smiling in Bátor Tábor by donating an amount of your choice. Even the smallest donations can add up, allowing more than 800 children with chronic illnesses to rediscover the joys of childhood and restore hope through opportunities offered at Bátor Tábor. Buy a mile and be a part of Team PREZI's charity run, be a part of a great cause. Miles Matter - Smiles Matter :) http://www.batortabor.hu/eng/what_is_bator_tabor-65/photo_gallery-79
You guys rock!!
Fuss, Zerge, fuss!!!
Hajrá Ginám!
Éljenek a Bátor futók! Gyűjtsd csak a kilométereket Ginus.
Nagyon nemes célért futsz!
bring it on!
A Sütivásár margójára. Mindent köszönök és hajrá!
See how many people supported the campaign!
You guys rock!!
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