We spend your donation to give back the childhood of seriously and chronically ill children with the help of our method, the therapeutic recreation.
Dear Visitor! I have runing for two years. And now, I have decided that I will done my first ever maraton on 12th Oktober on the Sapar Budapest Maraton. But it will be not just for my pleasure. I will run as a member of the Élménykülönítmény of the Bátor Tábor Foundation. This foundation organises summer camps for children who suffer from cancer and chronic illnesses. These childer spend they young ages in hospitals with painful treatments. They live among doubts and in sickness. In the camp they can find adventures and experiences what are normals for other children but can not feel in their lives. The camps help them to strenghten their self-confidence to fight against their sickness. I ask you to adopt my kilometers and donate the Bátor Tábor Foundation with 2000 forints or 10 euros and support their efforts. Thank you!
Hajrá Peti! Szurkol Neked a Tánckoktél Tánciskola!
Hajrá, Peti! Veled vagyunk.
Szurkolok Peti!:)
A végtelenbe és tovább! 🙂
Kedves Péter! Sok sikert a futáshoz! Gabi
Hajrá Peti! 🙂
Hajrá Peti!!
See how many people supported the campaign!
Hajrá Peti! Szurkol Neked a Tánckoktél Tánciskola!
Hajrá, Peti! Veled vagyunk.
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