We spend your donation to give back the childhood of seriously and chronically ill children with the help of our method, the therapeutic recreation.
“The Bátor Tábor is a machine into which children are thrown sick and tired, and they come out much happier and healthier, filled with experiences” – Peti, 15 year old, camper living with cancer. Thanks for taking the time to help us on our journey on the 30th Budapest marathon. Bátor Tábor was established in 2001, and offers complex therapeutic recreation programs for children with cancer, diabetes, JRA or haemophilia and for their families. In the summer Children’s Camps, in the spring and fall Family Camps and Sibling Camps are offered free of charge to the campers and their families. Bátor Tábor is a member of the Serious Fun Children's Network that began more than 25 years ago by the Academy Award winning actor, Paul Newman. The international camp association has 16 members all over the world treating children with chronic illnesses through a method, we call therapeutic recreation. We became the regional therapeutic recreation center of Central European children, making the affirming adventures available for Hungarian, Slovakian, Czech and Polish children, offering free therapeutic recreation programs with the highest level of quality all year long. In closing, every money counts so do not think any amount is too small. Thanks in advance for your generosity!
Mindent bele, menni fog az !!! 😛
Csak keményen! 🙂
Hajrá Gergő! ☺
Sok sikert a céljaidhoz 😉
Hajrá Gergő, gyerünk!
Fuss Forest, Fuss!
Oké! Gó gó, akkor Góóó!!!
4 óra! !!
Hajrá G! Lám-lám mi lett az első “döcögős” kilométerekből! Grat!
Fuss Gergő, fuss!
Hajrá tesa! Eckü
Hajrá Andorka “C” Gergő 😉
Hajrá, mindent bele!
Hajrá Gergő, veled vagyunk! A célban foglak várni. 🙂
Hajra! Hajraaa Gergo! Innen messzibol is kuldjuk az erot az egesz FittenUKban csapat neveben! Orsi
nemes cél, nyomjad Gergőkém!
Ezért a kezdeményezésért és a teljesítményért is Te vagy a legjobb. 🙂 Büszkék vagyunk Rád!
Büszke vagyok rád Gura !
Főzz sportlevest (mindent bele) 😉
See how many people supported the campaign!
Mindent bele, menni fog az !!! 😛
Csak keményen! 🙂
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