© 2018 Bátor Tábor Foundation
We spend your donation to give back the childhood of seriously and chronically ill children with the help of our method, the therapeutic recreation.
My dear friends, Together with 3 friends I will run this year's Budapest Marathon Relay. Not only will this be great fun but we also aim to raise funds for a charity close to our heart called Bator Tabor. Bator Tabor supports children who suffer from cancer, diabetes, JRA or haemophilia by providing therapeutic recreational programs. It offers camps for the children but also for their families and siblings. Every year over 1,000 children take part in one of these camps which without the support of Bator Tabor would not be possible. Camps offer various activities like rowing, horse riding, archery, arts & crafts, sports, music among others and all programs have as objective to give the children a feeling of achievement and success to increase their self-esteem and support the recovery process. Bator Tabor is part of the Serious Fun Children's Network, which was more than 25 years ago founded by Paul Newman. The network has 16 members across the globe focussing on children with chronic illness through therapeutic recreation. We, and the children, would be extremely grateful when you support Bator Tabor by a donation via this link
Egyre közelebb a cél 🙂
Fröccsöt csak utána!
Good luck Janos
Fuss Forest, fuss!
Go-Go-Go and enjoy 🙂
Az erő legyen veletek 🙂
You will win!
Hajrá János!
See how many people supported the campaign!
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