© 2018 Bátor Tábor Foundation
We spend your donation to give back the childhood of seriously and chronically ill children with the help of our method, the therapeutic recreation.
My name is Tamás Kis, I’m a mechanical engineer student and I’m poised to run my first half marathon on 19th april. It means the first step to perform my first marathon in oktober. I profferd my run for charity, so you have now the possibility to support the litle heroes! I’m going to perform this challenge in the charityteam of Bátor Tábor, called Élménykülönítmény. Please adopt one kilometer of my run for an amount that you can define and join in the society of the common heroes. Could you waive one of the following stuff only once? - A cinema ticket, - a concert ticket, - dessert after having lunch, - clothes that you saw in the store window, - a piece of chocholate or a popcorn to the films, - the cost of the transfer by taxi, - one beer with your friends, - drinking coffee with colleagues, - a pack of cigarettes… Let’s be brave, do it and sponsor my challenge with this money then be proud of yourself and smile! You have already done something! Do you know how did you help? You supported the medical supply and the healty meals of the children! You helped to finance the different games and sport events in the camp! You sponsored the transport of the poor children to the camp! Many thanks! :)
Nyomasd Ombre! 😉
hajrá, hajrá 🙂
Ügyes vagy, így tovább!
Mindent bele! 🙂
Sok sikert!
Hajrá! Sok sikert!
Sok sikert kívánok, ez igazán bátor tett!
Szurkolok! 🙂
Sok sikert!
Hajrá! Már most büszke vagyok rád.
Hajrá! Büszke vagyok Rád!
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