We spend your donation to give back the childhood of seriously and chronically ill children with the help of our method, the therapeutic recreation.
My Dear Friends! This summer, I had the opportunity to volunteer at a fantastic childrens camp in Hungary called The Bátor Tábor, and would like to continue helping them by running my very first half-marathon next month in September. Running a half-marathon will be a big challange for me, but the prospect of helping the children at the camp makes it completely worth it. The Bátor Tábor is a magical place in Hungary where seriously ill children from Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia can make a lot of new friends, receive encouragement, gain a lifetime of experience and have fun, fun, fun! :) All I ask is for a small donation from you to sponsor the children at this super fun camp! Your donation will not only help sick children in need! Thank you so much for your help, it means so much to me and most importantly, to the children! :)
Sok sikert kívánok a célok eléréséhez!
Áu! 😀 Vasárnap ott leszek és szurkolok ám! 😉
Csakhogy te is célba érj!
Hajrá Gyöngy! 😉
Hajrá, nyúlcipős 🙂
Hajrá 🙂
“Fuss, Forest!!!” :*
Én az utolsó kilométert kérem! 🙂
Legyen ez egy gyertya a szülinapi tortán!
Hajrá, Gyöngyi!
Hajrá, hajrá! 🙂
Hajrá Gyöngyi!
Minden kezdet nehéz 🙂
See how many people supported the campaign!
Sok sikert kívánok a célok eléréséhez!
Áu! 😀 Vasárnap ott leszek és szurkolok ám! 😉
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