We spend your donation to give back the childhood of seriously and chronically ill children with the help of our method, the therapeutic recreation.
Welcome! :-) I am happy that you found this page, because I need your help… My name is Fanni Szonda and I will run as a charity runner at the 31th Telekom Vivicitta Budapest Spring Half Maraton on the 17th of April. I joined the runner community of Bátor Tábor Foundation organizing therapeutic recreation camping programmes for severely ill children. I completed this distance several times and now I’d like to raise 150.000 HUF for Bátor Tábor Foundation. This Foundation is dealing with children, who have serious illnesses and cancer. The Foundation has more than 15 years of experience in providing called therapeutic camp programmes. Bátor Tábor (“Brave Camp”) is a camp where we can help a lot to these children. Most of these children are in a hospital all year long and they are fighting for their lives. In the camp they can get some happiness and they can take part in different programmes, they can smile again, have faith and hope, and they can back to their everyday life filled with renewed vigor. Watch this video about the Bátor Tábor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whXEV4R9ZVU Joining the runner community of Bátor Tábor Foundation I have an opportunity to help these children. I want to spread the word of this camp because I believe that my relatives, my friends can be mobilized in favor of a good cause. I hope a lot of friends will stand by me helping achieve this goal. Please help us by offering 1-2 thousands HUF. Every donation counts! Little streams make great rivers! Can you sponsor a mile of my run? :-) How can you support me? Click the button below “Support now”. You can make your donation by paying online or making a bank transfer. I would really appreciate if you could forward my request to your friends, your relatives and your beloved too. Thanks in advance for your help! :-)
Gyerünk Fanni! Puszi 🙂
Hajrá! Sok sikert! Moncsi&Józsi
Hajrá Fanni!!!!!! Nem csak a kamarában és a barátságban együtt:)
Hajrá! :)))
Szurkolunk neked!!!!
Hajrá Fanni! <3
Mindent bele Fanni! Marcsi
Hajrá Fanni! Büszkék vagyunk rád! Mama és Anyáék
Hajrá!!!! Éljenek a Bátrak!!!!! 😀
See how many people supported the campaign!
Gyerünk Fanni! Puszi 🙂
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