We spend your donation to give back the childhood of seriously and chronically ill children with the help of our method, the therapeutic recreation.
Dear current and future Runners, I started to run regularly in my secondary school, when a friend of mine convinced me to run an insanely long distance of 28 kms instead of doing the comfortable 7 kms. I had a very low quality pair of shoes and since then the nails on my toes are changing continuously. :) Then I kept a short break and started on the Nike half marathon in 1999-2000. Once I lost a bet and I needed to dye my hair to blonde, because I got just outside the 2 hours finishing time. Then I kept a longer break and after more than 10 years I found myself among he finishers of the half-marathon in 2012, and in 2013 I managed to finish in the Budapest marathon. From this moment there was no stop for me. Running up to the Kékestető, the highest point in Hungary, or go round the lake Balaton in team, or doing another half-marathons, was all the same to me. A challenge. Then in 2015 I again successfully finished the Budapest marathon, and this is the result I'm most proud of currently. We managed to build up a great running community at my company, we have big plans for 2016. I think running means more than just a hobby for me. The reason why I applied for being a member of Élménykülönítmény is that I would like to help those girls and boys who win bigger fights every day than I have ever had during any of my runs. If I manage to help them, I will be happy.
Hajrá Sanyi!
Király vagy, Sanyi!
Sok sikert!
Hajrá Sanyi! 🙂
Nemes a cél! Hajrá!
Sok sikert!
Hajrá Sanyi!
Jó Utat kívánok neked!
Hajrá Sanyi!
Hajrá Sanyi a jó ügyért!
Szép gesztus, Sanyi, sok sikert a maratonon!
Egyre keményebb vagy Frisco
Hajrá Táborlakók!
Hajrá Sanyi!
Hajrá Sanyi!
Hajrá Sanyi!
Hajrá Sanyi!
Főleg a célkitűzést illetően, a távot félkézzel lenyomod. 😉
Hajrá Sanyi! 🙂 a tervek szerint mi is ott futunk majd veled 🙂
Cool runnings 😉
Full respect Sanyi!
Ott leszünk veled!
Köszönöm Sanyi!
Sanyi, ne tétovázz! 🙂 Te vagy a király.
Hajrá Sanyi!
Fuss, fuss!
See how many people supported the campaign!
Hajrá Sanyi!
Király vagy, Sanyi!
Sok sikert!
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