We spend your donation to give back the childhood of seriously and chronically ill children with the help of our method, the therapeutic recreation.
Dear prospective and regular Donors! I'm about to compete for the 5th time in the October marathon in Budapest. 2 of them were the full marathon of 42km, while the rest were in teams. Each occasion was unforgettable for me, since Bátor Tábor has been part of my life for 8 years. In the camps I have tried many roles as an activity carer, from drama to the high ropes cara pursuit of the director of the Bereavement Camp. I have been with such experiences and enrichment and have developed my personality at a level that I could scarcely imagine in any other field. I know and I believe that Bátor Tábor will change lives for the lives of children and families or even volunteers! Support this wonderland with a small amount, where all the depths and heights of those who lead their way here turn around! I’m going to run the 32nd SPAR Budapest Marathon to be held on 15. october this year, with a charitable purpose. I joined the runner community of Bátor Tábor Foundation organizing therapeutic recreation camping programmes for seriously ill children. My aim is to collect donations amounting to 200.000 Forint. Please, help my campaign: sponsor a mile of my run!
Well done! From Chev’s sister and family x
Hajrá Zsófi !!!
Hajrá Zsófi!
hajrá zsákos Zsóóóóóóóófi 🙂 <3
Hajrá Flúgos Futam 2.0! 🙂
See how many people supported the campaign!
Well done! From Chev’s sister and family x
Hajrá Zsófi !!!
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