We spend your donation to give back the childhood of seriously and chronically ill children with the help of our method, the therapeutic recreation.
My name is Attila, I have two daughters, and I'm working as a legal adviser. I started running as an amateur couple of years ago, and I've started taking it more and more seriously in 2016. I have always loved challenging myself, running makes me feel relaxed, and after I successfully run a planned, longer distance, I feel satisfied and complete. The atmosphere of the running events is wonderful, it really brings people together. On these events, I have seen the incredible enthusiasm of the charity runners of 'Élménykülönítvény', and I've been thinking about becoming a charity runner ever since my first half-marathon. I've been following the very famous Hungarian charity group called ’Bátor Tábor’, for years in the online community. I think there is a huge need of what they do. After the children spend their everyday in hospitals having treatments, if they have the opportunity to go to a free camp where they can learn, get friends and have fun, it must feel amazing. I'll definitely try my best to run the half-marathon as a charity runner in April in the Vivicitta, only two weeks before my 50th birthday - so it will be a double celebration for me :-). I'd really love to reach the 150.000 Ft goal I’ve planned to collect for charity and I'm looking forward to everyone's honorific help. If you're looking for a place to help, this is the perfect one. I'm asking everyone who may have a little to donate, even if it's only a 1000 or 2000 HUF to please 'adopt' my kilometres and donate some for the children in need. Let's help together the incredible job the ’Bátor Tábor’ does! Thank you!
Hajrá, Atesz!
Hajrá Kotász!
Hajrá 🙂 Fuss….
Fuss Bratyó, fuss!
Fuss, mint a szélvész 🙂
Futi-futi! 🙂 Sok sikert Attila!
Isten éltessen Atti!
Gratulálok az eddigi eredményedhez! Kívánom, hogy a versenyed is legalább ilyen sikeres legyen! Jó futást!
Fuss, Hacsek, fuss! :)_x000D_
Isten éltessen sokáig, boldog születésnapot és még sok jó tettet kívánok neked!
Hajrá Hacsek!
Hajrá Attila! Továbi jó és sikeres futást kívánok! Üdv, Judit
Isten éltessen!
Hajrá Doktor úr! Sikerüljön cél, küldöm a támogatást
Hacsek, Neked is drukkolok!
Aztán gyorsan fuss! 🙂
Fantasztikus vagy:) Hajrá!!
Hajrá Főni, hajrá Gyerekek!
Hajrá Attila!
Gratulálok a vállalt feladathoz! Sok sikert, Piroska
Hajrá Főni!
Run Forest run!! 🙂
dr. Szántó Attila kampányára.
nagyon hajrá!!! 🙂
Törhetetlen kitartást és jó egészséget kívánok a Bátor Tábor Alapítvány által támogatott minden kedves gyermeknek !
Hajrá, fuss helyettem is!!
See how many people supported the campaign!
Hajrá, Atesz!
Hajrá Kotász!
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