We spend your donation to give back the childhood of seriously and chronically ill children with the help of our method, the therapeutic recreation.
As a former camper I'm really thankful for the opportunity that I could spend a week in Bátor Tábor. That's why I've decided that I run my first marathon for charity, to support this magical Camp. The aim of this Camp is to support the recovery of children who have cancer or any serious illnesses like Crohn's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis or diabetes. And what is it all about? During taking part in a week here, I experienced what means courage, faith and strength... I experienced that muscle strain in the face actually does exsist becuase of the all-day-long laughing. And I experienced how it feels being a child again and I could forget the pain and the bad memories from the hopsital a bit. And the camp doesn't end after we come home. Since than, if I have painfully, sick days, I just rewatch the pictures and reread the letters I received, because it reminds me the good times and makes me stronger. And the friends from there are with me and support me all the time. Since than, I've learnt that the life starts at the end of my comfort zone so I am able to push myself to do challenges. Since than, I've learnt how to accept myself, my disease, and how to live with it. I've learnt that my illness does not define me, but my strength and courage actually does. Since than, I've learnt how to beleive in myself and in life, cause it's not just about pain and loss. Life is beautiful and full of sunshine! :) So this is what Bátor Tábor means to me. Now I study at medschool and I really would like to return as a volunteer. But for now, I'm going to take part in the Wizz Air Budapest Félmaraton in 10 September so that many other kids could go and be apart of this magic that happened to me as well. So I really appriciate if you join me and donate my running. We can do this together! :)
További sok sikert, drukkolok neked 🙂
Jó cél érdekéért szívesen adományozok.
Nincs az az éjszaka és nincs az a baj, amitől megfutamodna a NAPKELTE ÉS A REMÉNY! Amikor nem vesszük észre mindennapjaink apró fényeit, attól azok még ragyognak, legfeljebb halványabban,ám fényük másokról visszatükröződik s válik még tündöklőbbé.Ne félj egyedinek lenni.Önbecsülésed, önbizalmad lesz kulcsa és motorja minden pozitív változásodnak életedben! Ott leszünk melletted és tiszta szívvel szurkolunk neked!
Hajrá Kata! 🙂
Hajráá! 🙂
Így tovább Katka! :*
Hajrá Kata! Te vagy a legjobb!
See how many people supported the campaign!
További sok sikert, drukkolok neked 🙂
Jó cél érdekéért szívesen adományozok.
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