We spend your donation to give back the childhood of seriously and chronically ill children with the help of our method, the therapeutic recreation.
Our team unites GE's charity runners across Hungary. It's already an annual tradition, that we select a big running event, this year the 33rd SPAR Budapest Maraton® Festival which is held on 6-7. October. Our aim is to contribute to the recreational therapy of the kids of Bátor Tábor. Our team from Váci Greens Campus: A csapatunk tagjai a Váci Greens Campuszról: Bálint Helga Bernas Marta Katarzyna Eynulleyeva Vusula Fáklya Georgina Forrai Márton Hortobágyi Nóra Jámbori Attila Kelemen Marcell Klein Péter Laczó Adrienn Murinai Szilvia Puhl Györgyi and from the Veresegyház Aviation site: Bihari Zsolt Bobák Tamás Bobák Zoltán Schättler Gábor Szűcs Lajos Our goal is to collect donations amounting to 500 000 Forint. Please, help our campaign: sponsor a mile of our run!
Könnyed kilométereket kívánunk Marci!! 🙂 hajrá!!!!
Hajrá Marci!!
Run, Helga, run!
Hajrá Gina és Marci
Go Helga! Just think of how much chocolate you will be entitled to eat once you finish!
Ti vagytok a legjobbak! 🙂
Meg tudjuk csinálni!
With a lot of love
Hajrá #bh!
Hajrá hajrá!!!
Pörgessétek fel a hajtóműveket!
Hajrá Marci!
Hajrá Marc!
Marcell- Thank you for your support of this event and good luck! I completed my first marathon in 2012, and it was a positive experience.
John Dotson
Hajrá Marcell!!! Csak keményen!
Hajrá, Gina!!!
Csak BÁTRAN előre!
Hajrá minden GE Bátor Tábor futónak :)! Go go for all GE runners for Bátor Tábor :)!
Hajrà, idén is! Puszi
All the best and have a nice run, Gina!!!
Go Girl Go!!
Hajrá GE! Stipistopi az utolsó kilométer!
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