We spend your donation to give back the childhood of seriously and chronically ill children with the help of our method, the therapeutic recreation.
Dear Friends! This year I’m going to swim the 39th Lidl Balaton Cross Swimming to be held on 31st July this year, with a charitable purpose. I joined the swimmer community of Bátor Tábor Foundation organizing therapeutic recreation camping programmes for seriously ill children. As a mother of 3 healthy children I know that such experiences as the programs held in the camp make the kids happy and feel strong, so I would like to help children in need. My aim is to collect donations amounting to 150.000 Forint. Please, help my campaign: sponsor a mile of my swim!
Szurkolok Anikó!:-)
Sok sikert kivanunk!
Mindent bele!
Hajrá Ani!
Szurkolunk, hogy összejöjjön a kitűzött célod!
Örülök, hogy ismerhetek egy ilyen jólelkű spotolót! 🥰
Veled vagyok Anikó! Hajra!
Drukkolok Neked, hogy összejöjjön a támogatási összeg, amit a kitűztél!
Hajrá hajrá!
Hajrá, hajrá, Anikó! :-]
See how many people supported the campaign!
Szurkolok Anikó!:-)
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