© 2018 Bátor Tábor Foundation
We spend your donation to give back the childhood of seriously and chronically ill children with the help of our method, the therapeutic recreation.
I have always been a very active person, and I enjoy sports. When I heard that there was a possibility to be a part of a charity run as a team member of ÉlménykülönÃtmény (The Troop of Philanthropists), I just had to take part in it. ÉlménykülönÃtmény, the charity runners’ community of the Bátor Tábor Foundation (Camp of Courage Foundation), was founded to support children living with serious diseases in Hungary. The Bátor Tábor is a small world of miracles where every year more than 750 children with cancer, diabetes, haemophilia, and JRA receive curative and reinforcing experiences. Therapeutic recreation methods of the camp demonstrably improve the general condition and health of the children, their relationship with other children and adults. They can have a lot of fun, success and reinforcement – all things they did not experience during the long and painful hospital treatments. Joining this charity run is a brilliant opportunity to support a good cause. I feel lucky to be a part of it. Please stand by me by sponsoring a kilometer or two of my run and you can be the cause of a child happiness. Thank you!
Hajrá Évi! Nagyon büszke vagyok rád! 🙂
Óóóóléééé! Hajrá Évi!
Good luck Évi, an excellent cause (from a BT colleague)
Nyomjad Évi!!!
Hajra Evi!
Hajrá Évi! Hajrá Évi! (Ezt a 15. kilóméter után kérem lejátszani!)
Szuper kezdeményezés! Sok kitartást és persze örömet a megvalósÃtáshoz! 🙂
Hajrá!! 🙂
Hajráf! 🙂
Ez egy szuper kezdeményezés! Hajrá!! Anna&Gábor
See how many people supported the campaign!
Hajrá Évi! Nagyon büszke vagyok rád! 🙂
Óóóóléééé! Hajrá Évi!
Good luck Évi, an excellent cause (from a BT colleague)
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