Masters and pupils - The swimmers get together for Bátor Tábor for the tenth time

2018. February 08. - 2019. February 10.


Since 2013, we the senior swimmers from Debrecen city and the sports friends who joined us, have organized our 7 own Élménykülönítmény teams. In 2018 the swimmers are getting together for the Bátor Tábor for the tenth time. Elder Rentka László, my father, was born 100 years ago. Working as a teacher and swimming coach, he had a great effect on hundreds or thousands of sport careers and later lives with his charismatic personality. With my younger sister and my sports friends, including several Rentka students, we remember our master, elder Rentka László on his 100 th birthday with our 2018 swimming events.

2 391 170 Ft Goal 2 200 000 Ft 108%

Participants (11)


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