We spend your donation to give back the childhood of seriously and chronically ill children with the help of our method, the therapeutic recreation.
“It feels good to do good” I read on the website of one of my good friends, and he is right. What’s more, it doesn’t take too much… There is a sailing race that has been on my mind for years, completing which is still a privilege of a few in Hungary even though the route is well well-known even among people who do not sail that all. The distance is similar to the distance of the Blue Ribbon Regatta (Kékszalag), that is you must sail around the Lake Balaton (roughly: Csopak-Siófok-Balatonkenese-Tihany-Keszthely-Tihany-Csopak) but there is a ‘little’ extra difficulty to it. The Balaton Solo Grand Prix must be completed all alone, without any external help. That means there’s nobody else but the captain in the boat, plus you do it at the last weekend of September when the weather isn’t particularly warm in the nights (and sometimes it’s not very friendly in the daytime, either). And probably these are the things that make completing this race so beautiful and so difficult. However, just like any similar sports or challenges, this one is also a little self-centred: it doesn’t necessarily make lives of others any better if I start, or even if I complete this race, unless we connect it to a wonderful program. And however hard you try, you can’t find a better one: on 29 September 2018, I will line up for the start at Csopak with an excellent boat in the Balaton Solo Grand Prix with a charitable purpose: as a new member of the sports community of Bátor Tábor (Brave Campers) Foundation, the organiser of therapeutic recreation camps for children with serious illnesses. My fundraising goal for the truly brave (which I would like to raise each time we meet the goal) will start from HUF 250.000 due to the lack of time. Please help me, if you can, to raise this amount, or even much more. It will go to a good place and it will serve a good purpose. Many of us believe – and successful previous campaigns have shown – that we sportspeople are a big family, the members of which always help and support one another in reaching their goals.
Szép volt gratulálok!
Bátraké a szerencse. 🙂 😉 én köszönöm hogy csinálsz ilyesmit.
Osztva,támogatva !!
Gratulálok! Csodás dolog, amit tettél!
Szuper vagy, hogy belevágtál, nagyszerű teljesítmény!
Remélem sikerült…
Hajrá Gábor! A Marcato ütőegyüttes Veled lesz!! Üdv. Zsolt
Jót tenni jó – tudom, hogy ezt te is tudod barátom:) Legyen szerencsés az utad! SF
Nagy gratula Maki! 🙂
Hajrá Gábor!!!
Egy barát, hogy kerek legyen, ne csak a köröd…
Ügyes légy! Hajrá
Jó célért küzdesz!
Szurkolunk, sok puszi
Jó szelet, apafej!
Klassz vagy Gabi!
Szia Gábor, büszke vagyok arra, hogy ismerhetlek és “veled” sportolhatok. Drukkolok, hogy mind a gyűjtés, mind a tókerülés sikerüljön, ez utóbbi nem kis fizikai kihívás. Üdv.: Viki
Remek kezdeményezés Gábor!
Menő vagy! Vigyázz magadra a versenyen!
Sok sikert!
Hajrá hajrá xxx
Makai Gábor egy CSODA vagy!
Hajra-hajra, itt is & ott is!
Nemes cél, drukkolok!
Hajrá! Nagyon szép kezdeményezés!
See how many people supported the campaign!
Szép volt gratulálok!
Bátraké a szerencse. 🙂 😉 én köszönöm hogy csinálsz ilyesmit.
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