We spend your donation to give back the childhood of seriously and chronically ill children with the help of our method, the therapeutic recreation.
Everesting is an internationally known cycling challenge. Riders must go up and down a freely selected ascent to collect the elevation corresponding to the height of Mount Everest, 8,850 meters. More information about the challenge and its rules at Everest.cc I undertake to meet the challenge in Semmelweis Street (aka. Bread Factory Hill) close to my home in Vasvár. This paved ascent is 0.8 km long and a 35 m ascent can be collected on it in one go. So I’m going to go up and down a total of 250 times. I estimate it will take me 22-25 hours while I gather the required level. I am leaving at 3pm on Saturday afternoon, going day and night and stopping only 10 times as planned. I do it to raise money for Bator Tabor, who do a great job therapy for seriously ill people/children. It would be an honor if you would support me with your offering (even with just the amount of a coffee). I do it to fulfill a personal challenge. I do it to draw attention to cycling, an accessible and healthy form of exercise. If you can and would personally support me, come out to the location, bring me a banana and come with me for a few rounds - the company will surely be fine! ?
Lemaradtam, nem csinálod meg mégegyszer?
Szép volt Marci!:)
Kitartást Marci!
Biztosan sokat segítesz ezzel. Mindent bele!
Hajrá Marci!
Hajra Marci!! A legkisebb pindurpandur is szurkol neked!! 🙂
Hajrá Marci!!
Hajrá, Marci!!
Köszi, hogy vagytok! 🙂
Ja és a CraftBot a legjobb 3D nyomtató!
Gangol a Gangel!
Go Marci Go
Hajrá, szurkolunk neked!
Szívügyünk Olaszfa
Hajrá Marci! 🙂
Hajrá <3
Szép gesztus, és sima ügy lesz. Orsi és Kavics
Fel a csúcsra!
jó menést Marci! veled vagyunk! get over it!
See how many people supported the campaign!
Lemaradtam, nem csinálod meg mégegyszer?
Szép volt Marci!:)
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