We spend your donation to give back the childhood of seriously and chronically ill children with the help of our method, the therapeutic recreation.
I think, don't really need the big words, I had a thought that matured during my wandered, if I managed to collect it in last two years, I shouldn't be afraid to invest in something good, I found this website in an article, and I realized that this is what I have to do, the self-forgetting smile of a Brave Camp kid, which really can't be found in big words, but need concrete action. I've accumulated 13,000 kilometers until now, I give its cheaply for you now only the price of a chocolate bar or croissant per kilometer, and the children who camped would not be left behind. Buy it and take it with good heart, as I'm giving you now, I think it's a really great time, my goal would be only 150,000,- Huf for a start, but if you see a fantasy in it, maybe in time it could be even more.
Sok sikert kíván a Varga család!
sok sikert kivánok a kitűzött cél eléréséhez!
Hajrá mocorgó ! Csatlakozom majd nyugdíjas koromban !!!
Előleg most induláskor Bora borára………….
See how many people supported the campaign!
Sok sikert kíván a Varga család!
sok sikert kivánok a kitűzött cél eléréséhez!
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