© 2018 Bátor Tábor Foundation
We spend your donation to give back the childhood of seriously and chronically ill children with the help of our method, the therapeutic recreation.
This will be the first time I run the Oslo half maraton in 17th September to gather donations for the Brave Camp Foundation. The Brave Camp is a place where a lot of seriously ill children can enjoy an amazing experience, moment. Diabetes, hemophilia and children with chronic arthritis can forget that they are sick. If you also feel that you'd like to take part in enriching the lives of the inhabitants of the camp, on the following link you can give your donation: www.elmenykulonitmeny.hu/szabo.gabor There is no minimum amount, a few hundred forints (or some kroner) is a big help. On the website you can read more about the camp. Thank you to all who help! Regards, Gabor
Sok sikert Gaben! <3
Sok sikert a gyűjtéshez, kitartást a futáshoz!
Sok sikert! 🙂
Hajrá Gábor!!! 🙂
Gratulálok! 🙂
You can do it!! 🙂
Hajrá! TOP 10 a cél! 🙂
Puszi Gábor! 🙂
Szeretettel üdvözöllek! Hajrá! 🙂
Fortes fortuna adiuvat
Bátraké a szerencse”
Nagyon szép célért futsz, jó helyre kerül az adomány! Sok sikert!
Nagyon szép kezdeményezés! Sok sikert!
Nagyon büszke vagyok! Hajrá! 🙂
Szuper vagy! Hajrá 😉
Sok sikert!
Klassz cél, sok sikert! 🙂
See how many people supported the campaign!
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