Charity running of Dorian Bratanis


Charity running of Dorian Bratanis


We spend your donation to give back the childhood of seriously and chronically ill children with the help of our method, the therapeutic recreation.

Your challenge 10 km
Time until event Closed
57 967 Ft Goal 50 000 Ft 115%
57 967 Ft Goal 50 000 Ft 115%

Having been part of this team last year as well I am very much looking forward to do it all again. The trip to the Bator Tabor camp last year was heartwarming, and it was incredible to see so many volunteers coming to help such an extraordinary cause. However, the best experience of them all was to see the smiles of all the children present. I am fully convinced that by supporting this cause you will make it possible for the Bator Tabor camp to experience even more love, spreading more joy to those fighting their disease on a day-to-day basis. It doesn't have to be a huge amount, because every little thing counts. And believe me, in the end the little things sum up to something extraordinary. Thank you.


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