Charity running of Emma Skeie


Charity running of Emma Skeie


We spend your donation to give back the childhood of seriously and chronically ill children with the help of our method, the therapeutic recreation.

Your challenge 10 km
Time until event Closed
57 967 Ft Goal 50 000 Ft 115%
57 967 Ft Goal 50 000 Ft 115%

Having experienced Bátor Tábor first hand, I know for a fact the difference this camp makes. The camp is designed to provide recreational therapeutic activities for children with a variety of chronic illnesses. During my days at Bátor Tábor as a volunteer, I saw all the different adjustments that were made to accommodate the different needs and handicaps, and how it was all set up in such a natural way that the children would 'forget' about their illness once at the camp. There are so many different activities to take part in at Bátor Tábor, that there is certainly something for every age, interest and physical ability. Having seen the children playing around, exploring the different activities like any other normal kid, I realized how this camp can really be of great therapeutic value for both mind and body for these children. They are able to accomplish what they normally wouldn't due to limitations caused by their illnesses. Battling an illness such as cancer or diabetes at a young age can be very difficult and traumatic both physically and mentally, therefore I cannot stress enough the importance of organizations such as this. Any donation would contribute to making a difference, and every donation goes directly towards the camp itself. All the workers at the camps are strictly volunteers. It would be greatly appreciated if you could donate a small amount to help this admirable charity.


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