Charity running of Lea Cecilie Steinstad


Charity running of Lea Cecilie Steinstad


We spend your donation to give back the childhood of seriously and chronically ill children with the help of our method, the therapeutic recreation.

Your challenge 10 km
Time until event Closed
57 967 Ft Goal 50 000 Ft 115%
They have already supported
57 967 Ft Goal 50 000 Ft 115%
They have already supported

Hi, and thank you for clicking on my page! My name is Lea, and I am a second year diploma student. I took part in this fundraising last year, and ran with the Skagerak relay team at Sandefjordsløpet. I was also lucky enough to get to visit Bator Tabor last spring. Bator Tabor is a camp for children with chronic illnesses. Here, they are challenged and pushed to their limits, allowing them to feel like normal children and forget that they are sick. I got to meet many of the children and volunteers who had spent time at this camp, and even got to take part in helping organize an open day. To say it was an incredible experience would be an understatement. The camp was filled with smiles and laughter, and had I not been told about the sad backgrounds of the children/families that were there, I would have assumed it was simply a family fun day, and nothing more. By sponsoring me, you can take part as well. All of the proceeds raised by my team and I will go directly to the organization. So please join me in supporting such a fantastic cause, no donation is too small! Thank you very much, or as they say in Hungary, köszönöm!



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