We spend your donation to give back the childhood of seriously and chronically ill children with the help of our method, the therapeutic recreation.

Your challenge 10 km
Time until event Closed
35 000 Ft Goal 35 000 Ft 100%
They have already supported
35 000 Ft Goal 35 000 Ft 100%
They have already supported

Hi, my name is Rebecca and I'm attending Skagerak International School. I participate in one of our CAS groups called camp of the braves to help other children with disabilities/chronicle diseases to have a great summer at the Bator Tabor camp. Me and my brother were born with the chronic disease asthma, and unfortunately had to spend the first few years of our lives at the hospital. We even went to a six week camp at Geilo in Norway. At the camp we met a lot of children with the same challenges and participated in many different activities (Including school...). We also had daily medical support all through those six weeks. I have many great memories back from that time and when I saw the camp of the braves group I thought it was a golden opportunity for children to experience "same kinds of adventures" and pay forward for all the good times I was left with as a child. Please, help me with your donation so I can help these children!


Olsen Wiolett Waksvik

11 éve

415 HUF


Hi Rebecca, I’ve donated 50 euro to the Bátor Tábor Foundation 🙂

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Olsen Wiolett Waksvik

11 éve

415 HUF


Hi Rebecca, I’ve donated 50 euro to the Bátor Tábor Foundation 🙂


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