We spend your donation to give back the childhood of seriously and chronically ill children with the help of our method, the therapeutic recreation.

Your challenge 10 km
Time until event Closed
35 000 Ft Goal 35 000 Ft 100%
35 000 Ft Goal 35 000 Ft 100%

Being a member of the Skagerak Bator Tabor CAS group, I wish to contribute with fundraising for the 'Camp of Courage'. My goal is to make a difference for the children with chronic illnesses in need of help in Hungary. As a team we aim to take part in a 10 km marathon in Oslo in April. Due to my current knee injury I am unsure of whether or not I can partake in the race, but I would love to be there to cheer for and support my team if I am unable to run myself. By participating in this race, we hope to spread awareness and receive funds from sponsors to make a valuable contribution to the project, and provide the children with memorable experiences and opportunities!


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