We spend your donation to give back the childhood of seriously and chronically ill children with the help of our method, the therapeutic recreation.
I wouldn’t say that I‘m a typical runner, but I am always thinking about how I can be better and faster, and how we can make a difference in the world together. How can I help people myself? I can say I have begun from zero. I have been taking part in different kinds of workouts since 2015. I remember that was the year I completed a 3km run without stopping. In following years the distances and challenges have increased. Last year I completed 4 Spartan races, 3 half-marathons and finally a 30k run on the Budapest Marathon Festival. My motto: All of the completed miles begin with the first step. Every day is a new chance to make a step, but the first is the hardest. So who will join me with taking their first steps? I’m going to run the 34th Telecom Vivicittá Spring Half Marathon on the 14th April 2019 for a charitable cause. I joined the running team for the Bátor Tábor Foundation, organizing therapeutic recreational camping programs for seriously ill children. My aim is to collect donations amounting to 150.000HUF, which is approximatly 500 EUR. Please support my campaign and sponsor a mile of my run! Thank you!
Hajrá Zoltán! Toportyán fogó bajnok
Sok szerencset cimbora!
Hajrá Zoli
Greetings Volkmar
Sok sikert!
Good luck mate!!!
Szuper vagy!
Csak így tovább
Szuper vagy!
Fuss Forest fuss! 🙂
Hajrá, Zoli!
Sok sikert kisfiam!!:)
Hajrá! <3
Szuper, hogy Te is csatlakoztál az Élménykülönítményhez. Sok sikert az adománygyűjtéshez és a Vivicittan pedig hajrá! 🙂
Sok sikert!
Hajrá Zoli!
Hajrá Zoli!
Valósítsd meg az álmod, hajrá!
Szuper, amit teszel! 🙂
Mindent bele!
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