We spend your donation to give back the childhood of seriously and chronically ill children with the help of our method, the therapeutic recreation.
Last time when I have ran as the athlete of Bátor Tábor I broke my personal record in marathon thanks to the Magic Purple Shirt and of course to you, who supported me throughout the training and supported my campaign. This year I double-down: I'm gonna run the biggest distance of my life so far. I'm gonna run as individual runner for the 130km race of Ultra Tisza-tó. I'd like to kindly ask you please stand by me again and help for the Bátor Tábor with the price of just a hamburger or a box of cigarettes!
Hajrá Taki, csak keményen!
Hajra Taki 🙂
Hajrá Gábor!
Bíztattál Budapest Maratonon. Most én bíztatlak téged! Gyerünk! Hajrá!
Fuss sokat!
See how many people supported the campaign!
Hajrá Taki, csak keményen!
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