Charity swimming of Legoza Éva


Charity swimming of Legoza Éva


We spend your donation to give back the childhood of seriously and chronically ill children with the help of our method, the therapeutic recreation.

Your challenge hosszú távú úszás
Time until event Closed
355 500 Ft Goal 240 000 Ft 148%
355 500 Ft Goal 240 000 Ft 148%

In 2013 I was member of „eXtreme”, the team which completed 100 km-s during the 33-hour relay. I contributed to the team’s achievement with 6000 meters. I have been following my brother, László Rentka’s exhausting races with special concern ever since. I support him in the swimming pool, at home and with donations as well. My brother and his team are preparing for their hardest competition at the Univer24 long distance swimming race in Kecskemét. In the last hour of their swimming, from 10 o’clock on 1st March the team of Debrecen senior swimmers is organising a strengthening „long-distance” swimming event to support them and at the same time to raise donations for the experience therapy camping of seriously ill children of Bátor Tábor. Help us by "adopting" some kilometers!


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