VI. Rotary running festival Debrecen

2016. March 20.


Élménykülönítmény reloaded! The charity runner team of Bátor Tábor is participating in the VI. Rotary running festival to support the seriously ill children in Bátor Tábor! Join the Élménykülönítmény team of Debrecen!

528 411 Ft Goal 3 150 000 Ft 16%

Participants (16)


Charity running of Botond

VI. Rotary running festival Debrecen


248 500 Ft Goal 200 000 Ft 124 %


Charity running of dr. Lájer Csaba

VI. Rotary running festival Debrecen


110 500 Ft Goal 200 000 Ft 55 %


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