What is Élménykülönítmény?

Élménykülönítmény is the community of Bátor Tábor fundraiseres. With our “ÉK” fundraisers, we have been encouraging severely ill children since 2011. In the meantime, we pursue our obsessions - do sports, cook, play music, celebrate, or juggle while standing on our heads. Charity is our hobby. Will you join in?

I’m joining!

Do you have questions? Call us!

Míra Dercze Németh


Why is your place in Élménykülönítmény?


Select a challenge and apply to the Élménykülönítmény

If you haven't registered yet: Create a campaign and register on the site at the same time. After you’ve registered a successful campaign, you will receive further instructions via email. If you are a registered user: log in with your e-mail address and you can start collecting new donations!


The campaign page is ready

You will then receive an email shortly stating that your fundraising campaign has been approved by our admins. Log in and finalize your Profile with your personal information and your Campaign page with details of your current campaign.


Let’s begin foundraising!

The campaign is complete, so it’s time for family, friends, colleagues, neighbors to find out you just started a fundraising campaign! Share a link to your charity campaign where they can support your challenge with one click. Don’t be afraid to ask for a donation, as everyone is happy to be involved in a good cause! Do not be afraid if you don’t reach 150 000 HUF, even a small amount can be a huge help to brave kids.


The campaign ends: time to joy and being proud of yourself!

You can be proud of yourself! You just raised donations for the Bátor Tábor. There is nothing left but to enjoy your fame by your supporters. You deserve it all because you have changed lives. Kids’ with serious illness, and your as well.


The campaign page is ready

You will then receive an email shortly stating that your fundraising campaign has been approved by our admins. Log in and finalize your Profile with your personal information and your Campaign page with details of your current campaign.


The day of the challenge has come!

The day of the challenge has come! Whether you’re running, baking pancakes for your friends, or holding a wardrobe fair, now add all your enthusiasm! After that, they can support you for another 2 weeks, so make sure you did everything you could!


The campaign ends: time to joy and being proud of yourself!

You can be proud of yourself! You just raised donations for the Bátor Tábor. There is nothing left but to enjoy your fame by your supporters. You deserve it all because you have changed lives. Kids’ with serious illness, and your as well.

What is what on the page?

Event: An open event in category sport where more people can take part. If you’d like to enter another competition, click on the link under the list and we help you to create the the new event for you.

Profile: It’s like a social media profile. Your personal profile will appear here, all of your campaigns, and your blog posts as well. If you’d like to start a new campaign, you can do that that here too.

Campaign: The page of your foundraising, it can be sport, gastro, art, holidays or any other category. Here you can share a description about your current fundraising, you can write a blog posts and your friends can support your campaign here.

Blog: You have the opportunity to report about your preparation during your fundraising process, and about your experiences to your suppoerters. We encourage you to blog so they can see your fundraising.


Sign up, don’t miss the latest news on Élménykülönítmény and Bátor Tábor! We won’t spam you, however, you can get to know everything about our community programs, trainings, races and learn how your fundraising can change the lives of severely ill children.

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