Morgan Stanley

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Morgan Stanley

Morgan Stanley Athletes 2019


137 000 Ft Cél 200 000 Ft 68 %

Blogbejegyzések (2 )

Our Athletes – Gabor Szabo

Why do you run? I started to run less than five years ago – my original motivation to lose some weight but now running is integral part of my life. My big goal for this year is complete my first marathon in September, but I signed up for several other running events as well, partly as part of my training program but also for a good cause – I joined the Morgan Stanley Charity Athletes to raise money for children living with serious illness. Good luck with your plan. What is the next step? Next step: completing the 21km on Sunday 14 April at Vivicitta Spring Half Marathon!

Our Athletes – Adrienn Padar

What will you do? For the second time in my life I’m preparing for half marathon - never thought I would ever be able to make it, but Hey! here we go again! At first it was all about pushing my limits but this time  it’s more special, since I will give all my effort to a good cause. On Sunday 14th April at the 34th Telekom Vivicitta Spring Half Marathon I’m going to take the extra mile to raise money for children living with serious illnesses. What is your motivation? Bàtor Tàbor Foundation (Camp of Courage) provide life- changing experiences, strength and tools to support and ...


Iratkozz fel, ne maradj le az Élménykülönítmény és a Bátor Tábor híreiről! Nem spamelünk, mégis mindent megtudhatsz közösségi programjainkról, edzéseinkről, versenyekről és arról, adománygyűjtéseddel hogyan változtatod meg súlyosan beteg gyerekek életét!

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