Oslo Marathon

2013. September 21.


35 354 Ft Goal 480 000 Ft 7 %
Let's see

28. Spar Budapest Marathon

2013. October 13.


12 501 209 Ft Goal 32 400 000 Ft 38 %
Let's see

ExtremeMan 2013

2013. July 27.


712 090 Ft Goal 1 400 000 Ft 50 %
Let's see

20th K&H olympic marathon and half marathon relay

2013. June 09.


3 356 624 Ft Goal 10 250 000 Ft 32 %
Let's see

BalatonMan Triathlon Festival

2013. June 15.


394 000 Ft Goal 300 000 Ft 131 %
Let's see

33 hours swim relay

2013. April 20.


465 500 Ft Goal 1 400 000 Ft 33 %
Let's see

Prague International Marathon

2013. May 12.


202 742 Ft Goal 800 000 Ft 25 %
Let's see

Tennisrecord for ill children

2013. March 23.


656 000 Ft Goal 480 000 Ft 136 %
Let's see

adidas Silverstone Half Marathon London

2013. March 03.


162 281 Ft Goal 150 000 Ft 108 %
Let's see

8. Polmarathon

2013. March 24.

Telekom Vivicitta Half Marathon

2013. April 21.


1 319 712 Ft Goal 1 200 000 Ft 109 %
Let's see

III. Rotary Debrecen Half marathon and Marathon

2013. March 24.


1 162 904 Ft Goal 5 450 000 Ft 21 %
Let's see

Baxters Loch Ness Marathon 2012

2012. September 30.


128 750 Ft Goal 150 000 Ft 85 %
Let's see

25. Spar Budapest Marathon

2012. September 26.

27. Spar Budapest Marathon

2012. October 07.


16 705 672 Ft Goal 48 300 000 Ft 34 %
Let's see