Oct. 5. Seligenstadt (71rkm) - Aschaffenburg - Erlenbach - Wörth /Main ( 112rkm) 42,67km 4017, 8km / 5000km Was a real nightmare to dress up into the wet wetsuit this morning. I wish I could stay all day in the warm sleepingbag, but I have to continue. I took 3 lock today and paddled until sunset, and went into a camping, just to have the Possibility for shower. I don't have power to write more, need to recovery. ? Igazi rémálom volt ma reggel felöltözni a nedves ruhaba. Bárcsak egész nap maradhatnék a meleg hálózsákban, de folytatnom kell. Ma 3 zsilipen haladtam át , ...